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Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Garbage ? We don't need no stinking garbage !

After a long day farming solid stone to get a few points in engineering, I was oh so excited to look in my bags and see them full of what looked like good mats. Half of the lot was not only not what I needed, but was nothing more than vendor trash.

/begin rummage

The annoying part, the bad bits look way too much like the good bits.

/commence clicking
Whoops... thank God for buy-back.

Ever wish you didn't have to do this ?

Now you don't. Vendor addOns make the end of the day a breeze by simply selling everything you don't need with a single button click. Some even offer customization by letting you add / remove items from a list so you never have to dig around in your bags again (except for quest items /sigh).

For me the hands down winner was Junk! Go to a vendor, hover over the mote of mana icon in the top right and Junk! will tell you how much your junk is worth. Click and everything is sold. Type /junk and link an item to add it or remove it from the sell list. Don't want fish oil, ever ?
/Junk [Fish Oil]
Want your favorite über mace to not be sold
/Junk [The Stoppable Force]

Junk! also has the option to auto-repair you when you open a vendor that can do so. You can also set Junk! to auto-sell as well.

Junk Manager, AutoProfit and, GarbageFu* all do the same and also have the bonus ability to drop the lowest value grey item with a single click. Need a bag slot free for that BOE epic ? done.

The conclusion:
If you want dirt low memory usage; Junk! Want drop lowest item; AutoProfit.

If you want sound sleep, knowing your bags are clear of garbage, give Junk! a try and you too can say, "garbage ? We don't need no stinking garbage".

AddOns tested:

AutoProfit (39k)
GarbageFu (771k)
Get Vendored (97k)
Junk! (16k)
Junk Manager (1.79m)
Sell Junk (394k)

*GarbageFu requires an additional addOn, GarbageFu prices , in order to use the drop lowest item feature.

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