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Sunday, January 27, 2008

Aimed Shot the Unbound

/vacation off

well, I hope you've all had a great holiday, but I really hope you're ready to start trying some new addOns !

If you are THE point & click king you will not want to continue reading.

I try to bind absolutely everything. But, just because you want something bound doesn't mean you actually need to see it. And there's the problem.

Even some of the popular action bar addOns won't let you use a hotkey for a button that's not visible. So someone did something about it... ok a few people. That's a good thing.

Spellbinder is pretty simple. Open the menu pick an ability / spell, pick a key / mouse binding and, go. Want to bind polymorph to mouse button 5 ? Want to bind frostbolt ... rank 1, you can. You can even bind macros, items from your inventory, trinkets, anything you like.

BindPad chooses a more drag & drop approach but gets all the same things done, and takes less memory. Also having a choice to assign a binding to the current character or to everyone is really nice. /inspect macro, everyone. /cast Misdirection ..... maybe just this guy.

Either way, there's no reason to waste good action bar space on your first aid or Goblin Hand Grenades anymore. Give them both a try and let us know what you think !

addOns tested:

BindPad (84k)
SpellBinder (377k)

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