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Friday, March 16, 2012

Get Random

Well, the experiment is under way.

I've read about people using random invites to fill their guild rosters, but have always felt it a bit impersonal. No post, no chat, just blind invite.
But I was thinking the other day, what's the difference really? If I use the new'ish tool blizzard added to find a guild it's just as random. If I spam a guild message in chat every 30 minutes, even more so. Except with a chat message everyone has to see it, not just the unguilded.

Using a tool designed to find low level, unguilded characters, targets my exact audience and offers them what they may want, a guild.

I'm not trying to make life-long friends here, just give people a quiet place to level a character, maybe get away from people every once in a while on a new character.

So let the challenge begin! Grow a guild without letting it turn into the guilds I hate =)


Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Patch 4.3 out today!

Well, it's here finally, Patch 4.3!

Transmogrification, 3 new 5 man Heroic dungeons, Void Storage, and the big, bad boss, Deathwing!
WoW Insider has a good recap. And, of course, the official jazz is all here and here!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Mists of Pandaria

Blizzard announced the new expansion Mists of Pandaria this week at BlizzCon!

Official site is here.

Check out the completely revamped talent system here!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Travel deep. Deep into the void, storage.

Void Storage has been announced!
Keep those old vanity items and soulbound knick-knacks in a void larger than your attic.
The key things to note are:
Items are stripped of reforgings, gems and gem slots, enchants, and maybe their fresh odor.

Read the official release here!

Transmogrification... It looks different!

Blizzard has announced a new feature for patch 4.3, Change the way your gear looks!
Read more at Joystiq and the official release here!

Monday, July 6, 2009

Shadow Priest leveling

When leveling a shadow priest, following a few simple guidelines will keep you melting through mobs with little to no down time.

We'll start with spec. The key talents you want to pick up are:

starting in the Discipline tree,
Twin Disciplines - increase to all damage and healing
Improved Inner Fire - boost armor and spell power
Meditation - mana regen while casting
Mental Agility - makes all instant cast damage & heals cheaper
moving to the Shadow tree,
Spirit Tap + Improved - super mana regen

Everything else is up to you based on play style and what other things you do as you level.

The basic cast cycle is Mind Blast, SW: Death, SW: Pain, wand til dead.
Recast PW: Shield while the Spirit Tap regen is running, move to next target.
If SW: Pain is running out before a mob dies add Mind Flays as needed to close the gap.
Mind Blast, SW: Death, SW: Pain, Mind Flay(x) wand til dead.

Prioritize gear with high Spirit and Spell Power as you will want the most regen you can get. Health shouldn't be an issue as you will rarely take much damage.

When fighting 2 mobs or more focus on getting the SW: Pain on all mobs. Then try to get Vampiric Embrace up on as many mobs as possible. Throughout keep PW: Shield up and if it goes down early or you need to cast a real heal use fear.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Argent Tournament Macro

Our First macro is for the argent tournament.

One of the dailies involves kissing frogs to find an NPC. This little macro will allow you to simply taget a frog and click. When you drag this to an action bar you will be able to see the cooldown on the lip balm also.

To start, type "/m" into your chat box.

Now click "new". Choose a name for the macro, click the question mark icon, then click "okay".

Now we enter the text into the big box.

"/use Warts-B-Gone Lip Balm

That's it! Happy kissing.