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Wednesday, November 7, 2007


Ok, maybe it's old age, or maybe it's how rediculously small the red number on each action button is, but I can't tell when I'm in or out of range for spells. What's worse, only the main action bar even shows it !

Simple problem = simple answer

Enter: GIANT RED BUTTONS. It the "large print" for gamers.
I found a couple of choices for this. They all did the same thing and there aren't really many options you'd need for something like this. Some let you pick a custom color for each situation, but an addOn like this I think should just be simple and lightwieght.

And the winner is.... ( sorry award show season is taking it's toll)
RedRange . At a super-light 5k, you can't go wrong. Red for "you can't use this because of range", Blue for "you can't use this, you've spent all your mana". What more could you ask for !

Now for the runners up:
Red Out (96k)

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