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Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Back in Vengeful.

Ok, so 2.4 has been out a couple weeks. Maybe you've found a AddOns that work. Now it's time to move beyond random AddOns and get you a UI that's worthy of some screenshots.

The 2.4 patch has been a doozy for sure. With the changes to the combat log and a few other minor changes a LOT of AddOns broke. I've been testing release versions and beta versions alike to find what's keeping up with all the new changes. A few favorites are still just not working well enough for my taste, but there's plenty that have rolled with the punches and even some new choices!

I think I've given you the foundation pieces for any layout in previous posts. In every player's UI I strongly believe in testing multiple choices whenever available to see which AddOns you prefer and that fit your playstyle. I'll continue to do comparisons here but, we're going to delve into the deeper waters of UI compilation for a bit.

If you're tired of every compilation looking the same, join me every saturday afternoon for a look at a new creative UI that I'll be designing from scratch! As always I welcome ideas so keep them coming!

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