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Monday, November 5, 2007


Hi, and thanks for checking out WTFBBQ for addOns !

Have you ever thought "man i sure could use and addOn to do ...." ? By the time you talk to friends, figure out what addOn actually does what you want, scour the internet, find the addOn, and download it, you still don't know how to get it in to WOW, OR make it work !

WTF addOn BBQ is going to help !

I've been playing WOW since day 1, have about 300 days played total, and have spent a LOT of those working with addOns. I've played just about every class to 70, raided a lot of end-game content, and am working on finishing out the rest. Be assured, I usually know the pains of each class when it comes to lack of information, and have probably already sought out the best answer to my questions !

Feel free to start sending in your addOn questions, tips, and rare finds, and I just may feature your addOn ! Also, new authors, please send me your addOns if you'd like me to test and feature your new addOn ! Please make sure you put the name of your addOn in the title of your email and a description of your addOn and how to use it !

Well, what are you waiting for ?! Get to sending !

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